All activities connected with agriculture are being grouped under this Initiative. Due to property being divided by each generation as share, the land holding of each individual has shrunk to very small area. Each farmer is left with a small piece of land which cannot sustain the farmer and his family all the year round. Nor is it economically viable to profitably utilize the small piece of the agriculture land.
To facilitate small and marginal farmers, BRDF plans to create an organization of the farmers and undertake agricultural activity on a "Co-operative" pattern. In this, the resources will be shared amongst the co-operative members. The land holding, manpower, wells, mechanized farming tools would be pooled in to undertake agricultural activities.
BRDF plans to form Self Help Groups [SHGs] for all activities of farming, starting from land clearance to sowing to reaping the harvest to sale of the produce and recovery of sale proceeds. All shareholders will be involved in varies activities. They will be entitled to Wages component of labour put in, the share of profit from sale of the produce etc., at the same time, their land holding will remain in their own name.
Organic Farming, horticultural activities, enriching the soil and water conservation will be the other activities in Co-operative Farming. Provisions of various Government Initiatives and Schemes will be taken benefit of for betterment of living conditions of farmers as well as landless farm labourers.